구텐 베르크 - "text, text, text" - "텍스트"의 보급, 그렇다면 한국은? text와 예술?
-21세기 기술의 시대와 브레히트: "Dieter Daniels"
-브레히트의 거리두기와 발터 벤야민의 "기술복제시대의 예술"
-Brecht on Theatre: The Development of an Aesthetic, Bertolt Brecht(Author), John Willett (Translator), Hill and Wang; 13th edition (January 1, 1977)
-발터벤야민의 문예이론, 발터 벤야민 저, 민음사, 출간일: 1998년 05월 31일
-Illuminations: Essays and Reflections by Walter Benjamin, Hannah Arendt and Harry Zohn (Jan 13, 1969)
"DADAISM", "Surrealism"
"Pop Art"
대중매체시대의 예술 - 존 워커, 1984, 2001(third edtion, Pluto Press)
"Fluxus" - for the moment of beyond the border
-electronic super high-way! - communication
"1984" - Telephone, TV, Satellite, Devices, Internet
-History of Computer, History of Researchers
-"Technique and Art: The Age of Interdisciplinarity and Convergence"
-Celebrity on Art: "Super Actors and Supter Consume and Art"
-21세기 기술의 시대와 브레히트: "Dieter Daniels"
-브레히트의 거리두기와 발터 벤야민의 "기술복제시대의 예술"
-Brecht on Theatre: The Development of an Aesthetic, Bertolt Brecht(Author), John Willett (Translator), Hill and Wang; 13th edition (January 1, 1977)
-발터벤야민의 문예이론, 발터 벤야민 저, 민음사, 출간일: 1998년 05월 31일
-Illuminations: Essays and Reflections by Walter Benjamin, Hannah Arendt and Harry Zohn (Jan 13, 1969)
"DADAISM", "Surrealism"
"Pop Art"
대중매체시대의 예술 - 존 워커, 1984, 2001(third edtion, Pluto Press)
"Fluxus" - for the moment of beyond the border
-electronic super high-way! - communication
"1984" - Telephone, TV, Satellite, Devices, Internet
-History of Computer, History of Researchers
-"Technique and Art: The Age of Interdisciplinarity and Convergence"
-Celebrity on Art: "Super Actors and Supter Consume and Art"